
oil on canvas

Fe Elchamsenna

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date: 21-05-13
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views: 566 views
Fidel Castro

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price in Euro 12,000.00
date: 16-03-02
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views: 3,772 views
Title: Just a rose remains..... painting in oil on canvas

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date: 14-12-30
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views: 1,643 views
Fisher at Lake Balaton

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date: 15-06-16
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views: 1,965 views
Fishermen's Bastion

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price in Euro 600.00
date: 15-05-26
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 1,717 views
Flagrant mirror

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price in Euro 350.00
date: 21-04-07
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views: 670 views
Flowers and Birds

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price in Euro 400.00
date: 15-01-30
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 1,585 views
Fog in the Mountains

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date: 16-12-05
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views: 1,590 views
Fox in Snow

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date: 16-12-06
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views: 1,734 views
Franz Kafka

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price in Euro 12,000.00
date: 16-03-05
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,975 views
Frédéric Chopin

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date: 16-03-04
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,973 views

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not to sell
date: 19-10-21
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views: 1,140 views
Fruits on my Desk

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date: 15-02-04
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views: 1,592 views
Gernika, 2013, oil on canvas, 200 x 140 cm - 
With 'Gernika/Guernica'  Pablo Picasso expressed his aversion to war and political violence.

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price in Euro 16,000.00
date: 16-02-07
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 2,123 views

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price in Euro 4,000.00
date: 16-03-02
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,600 views
Good morning!

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price in Euro 14,000.00
date: 16-03-03
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,753 views

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price in Euro 7,000.00
date: 16-03-03
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 4,094 views
Guernica 2 – Homage to Pablo Picasso

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price in Euro 25,000.00
date: 16-03-03
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 5,121 views
Guillermo, the Desert Dweller

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date: 16-06-06
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 1,724 views
Günter Grass

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price in Euro 12,000.00
date: 16-03-05
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 4,232 views
Gustav Gründgens' Mephistopheles - 2011, oil on canvas, 210 x 150 cm -  Gustav Gründgens was one of Germany's most influential actors of the 20th century, his most famous role that of Mephistopheles in Goethe's ‘Faust’ in 1956/57.

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price in Euro 16,000.00
date: 16-02-07
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 5,669 views
Hamburger Defense

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price in Euro 5,000.00
date: 16-03-03
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,613 views
Hay axchik and the red scarf, (in private collection)

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date: 14-12-30
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views: 1,848 views
Homage to Carla B.

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price in Euro 12,000.00
date: 16-02-24
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,618 views
Homage to Dionysos

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date: 15-01-26
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 1,605 views
Homage to the Brave New World

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price in Euro 10,000.00
date: 16-03-03
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,621 views
Hommage à Christo & Jean-Claude

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date: 16-03-04
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,863 views
I am not amused!

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price in Euro 6,000.00
date: 16-03-05
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 2,132 views
Idyllic Landscape

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date: 15-09-29
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 1,975 views
If only you had spoken, Desdemona!

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price in Euro 10,000.00
date: 16-03-04
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,712 views
In the Lion's Den

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price in Euro 12,000.00
date: 16-03-03
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 3,692 views
Injured by love

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price in Euro 100.00
date: 21-03-10
rating icon, 1 stars rating icon, 2 stars rating icon, 3 stars rating icon, 4 stars rating icon, 5 stars
views: 586 views